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Writer's Journal 9: Revising Project One


Updated: Oct 12, 2021

If its a revision plan you ask for, then a revision plan you shall receive.

Key points for this revision:

Introduction: focus on beefing up intro and grabbing the readers attention

About the blog: break into two or three paragraphs for an easier read

Add details about the website I used when working with the blog (

Add examples of some of the topics I covered and why I chose them (turning routine into ritual, astral projection for beginners)

Add a link to even though it is under construction because that is where you can actually view the blog posts

Significance: everyone seemed pretty pleased with this but I will review and spruce as needed

Outro: add two more sentences that leave reader fulfilled and with a solid understanding

I know that this entry may once again be a little confusing. I chose to type my revision outline first because it will be the first thing that I see when I open this page during my revision process. The peer review was enlightening and overall it left me feeling confident in my work while understanding exactly what I could focus on improving to make my project even stronger. I really appreciate the feedback from my peers and even found that in giving feedback to my peers I was able to easily notice things within my own writing just as a reflection of subjectively looking at someone else's work.

Each piece of criticism is easily fixable with the five days still left to do the assignment. I also was able to clearly understand why my peer gave me each piece of advice that they did and I plan to do my best at changing and incorporating all of the elements that were brought to my attention. I plan to do at ;east two revisions before moving on to the final editing because I want to make sure that each time I look is through a fresh set of eyes.


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