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Writer's Journal 8: Planning Project One


Updated: Oct 12, 2021

Welcome to my caffeinated ADHD brain, let's plan a paper together.

Our primary insight for this project:

reflection on writing my blog for Box of Rayne

Multimodal element(s) we will be using:

link to a blog that I have written in the past for my website

Sections we will need for this project:

1- an introduction to the project

2- describe my blog, what it was used for and what it is about/ like

3- reflect on why it was significant

4- conclude the piece


Topic/claim- Writing is arguably one of the most impactful forms of communication in

modern day around the world

Examples- due to cell phones we are able to keep in contact 24/7 via text messaging,

emails, social media, and the internet. This keeps us able to be connected and share

information now more so than any other point in history.

Warrants- there's really not much else to say about this

About the blog:

Topic- a significant writing experience I have had was writing my blog for my website. My

website is for my business Box of Rayne which has spiritual goods and services.

Claims- used to teach clients about different topics in spirituality. Create a learning index

for those topics that could be accessed by anyone. Share my knowledge. Allow my

clients to feel connected to me.

Examples- I wrote about topics that I felt there were not enough good resources when I

was first learning about those things. I wrote about things that I felt my clients regularly

asked me about. I have gone back to refer to different things I have referenced so I

even use it as a resource myself. It is totally free to access any of the blogs that I have


Warrants- I felt like my blog was everything I wanted when I was just starting to learn and

I want to continue to use it as a tool.

Reflection time:

Topic- *this could be 2 paragraphs

1 personal significance & 1 significance as a writer*

Claims- *p* it allowed me to do something that I felt I was meant to do which is spread

word and knowledge about spirituality, also allowed for a sense of connection or


*w* gave me a lot of practice in writing for a purpose to a public audience in a way that

was understandable and informative. Allowed me to explore style and writing with

multimodal text.

Evidence- *p* I wrote freely about topics in spirituality that I felt there needed to be more

good resources on and that I knew enough about myself to feel comfortable teaching

about it. I had many women reach out to me and say that they share similar practices with

me or that I was able to teach them about something they had already been interested in

learning about. It sparked conversations that otherwise wouldn't have taken place and a

deeper connection was formed with others.

*w* I made sure to construct my paragraph in similar ways to this so they were easily

understandable. I had a set goal for my pieces and made sure they achieved that. I

inserted media that was relevant to the blog post like photos. I also was able to test out

which writing style felt most comfortable for me.

Warrants- *p* connections made and a personal goal being met as far as my own spiritual


*w* already beginning to practice strong writing techniques on a professional level


Overall this blog was very impactful to me both personally and professionally and was

definitely my most influential literacy narrative that I have composed thus far


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