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Writer's Journal 7: Loop Dee Loop


Updated: Oct 12, 2021

I think that the looping activity went very well. It gave me a good understanding of what the looping process is and what it is meant to do for the writing process of invention as a whole. I had no real direction for the literacy narrative previous to the looping activity but as it progressed I was able to begin to hone in on what I wanted to write about and gain a grasp on the foundation of understanding for why that was my decision.

It truly is an activity that is the epitome of practicing the habit of mind that is metacognition. My realization during the looping lead me to understand that writing my blog for my professional website has shaped me as an experienced writer because I set a personal criteria for myself and what would be acceptable for my website and unknowingly used many of the habits of the mind as well as the extended writing processes. It lead me to believe that by actively focusing on these things I could make my work even stronger and grow my writing literacy skills even more.

Although I only used the looping technique once, I absolutely plan to continue to grow this skill until I have mastered it. It was extremely useful in invoking the ideas and sparking a creative flow. I think that it would prove useful in most writing task situations. It is versatile and aside from how the process of looping is supposed to be worked, it offers a unique and flexible experience of conveying thoughts in an otherwise thoughtless manner. It is a structured blank canvas waiting to be painted with your most provocative thoughts. After the second or third loop you can really begin to understand where you plan to take your task and what you should be focusing on in order to achieve it. This is so important because how can you expect to give your best without knowing what possibilities lie within your reach and what can be carried out through your work.


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