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Writer's Journal 5: Flaws of Free Writing


Updated: Oct 12, 2021

Historically, since I've spent most of my time writing for myself or as means of communication without speaking, I have realized that I often skip quite a few key parts of the five steps to a strong writing process. Using writing as instant communication I typically would only use invention while combining revision and editing together to quickly say what I need to say. When I write for myself whether that be therapeutic or as a pass time, I often skip the planning and will invent, draft, revise and edit. Sometimes this process can be frustrating when I have a strong idea of what I want but no clear cut way to get there. I will write multiple drafts very different from each other and choose which one I like best to spend time revising and editing it. In this particular course with the writing journals I will be completely honest and tell you that I am skipping the drafts in order to convey more of my raw thought patterns as opposed to allowing it to settle before biting back in. I have however been consistently planning after inventing in order to have a concise idea as to where these words will lead us.

Something that was said in a lecture that stood out to me was the fact that words can not speak for themselves. And while I do begin to realize this concept seems much more palpable the longer I mull it over in my head, this is once again a scenario where I have been given new information that completely shifts my brain and way of thinking compared to just two minutes prior. I always have subtitles on when watching any type of videos whether on a device or tv so I was actually dealing with multimodal communication and in that moment I truly realized how complex literacy is. This has given me a greater respect for wanting to get rooted into my own deep writing processes. Being conscious of what we are doing as we are doing it is the most sufficient way to facilitate change and growth. I would have to say that I am looking forward to the literacy narrative and being able to dive right in to what makes me tick as a writer and what keeps that alive within me.


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