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Writer's Journal 3: Metacognition


Updated: Oct 12, 2021

I hadn't given much thought to the idea of the Writer's Journal being metacognitive blurbs looking into the deepest parts of the mind's eye. I guess in this sense of the journal it can always feel awkward when you first expose yourself in ways you otherwise wouldn't. But I have also always found safety and comfort in using words to dive into my own thoughts and feelings. I have come to find in the case of myself sometimes by applying tangible text to a situation you can see it from a different perspective, opening up to a new layer you may not have noticed before.

Each journal is meant to touch on similar topics but in a different light. I have chosen to tackle each piece by taking a free form sort of creative writing style approach while being sure to read and understand the criteria asked of each assignment. Ultimately, I have tried to allow my thoughts to be concise and organized for accessibility while still speaking in a way that my readers feel they are getting to know a piece of me and not just the girl behind the keyboard. In this way, the journal prompts have challenged me to write with a purpose outside of self care or pleasure although writing and testing my brain are both acts of self care and pleasure themselves.

It seems foreign to us that writing can structure and restructure limitlessly but what we all fail to acknowledge is that writing as a form of communication has been around as early as the beginning of humankind. It has shaped our past, present, and will with no doubt shape our future. Whether you look at it large scale as influencing nations and cultures, or small scale influencing your own developing mind or the minds of your community, writing is a powerful tool that can be used to change ourselves and the world. By knowing the power we hold within, we can determine what we choose to do with it. I guess that can be a little concerning because there can not be good without evil but we have the gift to forever create, shape and shift the collective on a deeper plane than just physical.


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