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Writer's Journal 2: First Thoughts First Project


Updated: Oct 12, 2021

My first impression of the Literacy Narrative immediately made me begin to ponder with the idea of what I will choose to write about. It's hard to centralize an idea or two when I like to look at my growth and development as a writer forever growing and changing, like molding clay it is endless. This is going to be a very interesting assignment since immediately I felt as though the possibilities for this task could truly be limitless. Off the top of my head came the pain and loneliness I so often comfort myself through ink therapy (pen ink that is), or the drive to share knowledge on my spirituality through the blog on my store's website. I also thought of the essay contests that I have entered which feed my drive to be better and do better whether I win or lose. I think this will shape up to be fun probing into what makes my hand tick with letters and words the way it so effortlessly does.

I am not so much of your talk on the phone kind of gal so my primary way of communication unless in person is through text whether it be messaging or social media. I have used my writing as a way to draw in a community surrounding my business and share knowledge of things I am interested or believe deeply in. I do this through the blog section of my business website around the full and new moon of each month. Profoundly until now, I did not realize just how much of my life is based upon written communication. It is actually an irreplaceable part of my personal and professional life form relaying messages back and forth between my significant other about our children or speaking with a client about the work I am doing for them. It is easy to go unnoticed because my generation was one of the first with common interaction with social media and web messaging like IM available to us at a young age. Most of my friends had cell phones by middle school and iPhone had already come out with the 3g when I was in sixth grade. Not me though, I had a flip phone that was strictly for emergency use or contacting my parents only. Never the less, my grandmother, bless her. bought me my first iPhone in tenth grade where I have had instant communication at the touch of my fingertips for almost the last decade. I guess in a way I won't call this self taught or taught by someone else but almost like that freaky second nature like watching a toddler be able to find the exact show they are looking for on YouTube. I mean anyone who grew up in the era of secretly creating Myspace accounts and being able to code your page with music, banners, themes and your favorite friends had to have come with the coding in their DNA already.


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