When it comes to thinking about the nature of the purposes for this course, the possibilities are bountiful. I am taking this course to earn admission into the ASU Philosophy program as the first step towards my future goal which is to become a lawyer. I am also taking this course because there are certain criteria for the number of credits needed in each subject to qualify for a degree and this course helps to advance down my path. English is an imperative skill for communicating and working through other courses as well, it helps tremendously in composing work outside of just this course. I am taking this course to sharpen my critical thinking and analysis in both my personal and professional life. I am also taking this course because I genuinely enjoy writing. On a personal note, I have chosen to take this course to prove to myself that I can succeed at college-level courses, even with the fact that I have been out of school for five years and only took classes until my sophomore year of high school. I took this course with the purpose of making my children proud and showing the world that I am unstoppable, even as a mother of two with my third on the way. Lastly, I am taking this course because in order to succeed in my goals I have to start somewhere, and this is the beginning of the journey.
There are many different categories that these purposes fall under. Some purposes even fall under multiple categories. I have chosen to take this course in relation to purposes that are personal, professional, and academic. They all are equally important to me because they are parts of a whole picture. My personal purposes are proving to myself and my children my worth, to earn admission into school because I did not take my time in high school seriously enough to do that, to get back into the academic groove after years of being out of school, to work towards what I want to do in my future, because I enjoy writing, and to begin my journey because every road must start somewhere. I also have academic purposes for taking this course which include earning my admission into college, earning the necessary credits to obtain the degree that I want, and continuing to develop my skills as a writer. Lastly, professionally I am taking this class to advance myself towards earning my degree for the profession of my choice, practicing and improving my communication, learning critical analysis, and even learning to build a professional webpage.
My takeaway for my primary purpose in taking this course is for advancement towards my future goals and career. This purpose crosses through personal, professional, and academic purposes because it will allow me to fulfill my purpose. As opposed to just wanting something for myself, this course is giving me the necessary tools and opportunities to obtain it. I am thankful to have this chance.