One picture may be worth one thousand words, but one word can be worth one thousand actions. In this journal I will be exploring what it is we take on morally as a code of ethics when we are writing, whether we do this consciously or otherwise. We will also take a close examination of how writers can address their ethical obligations with their stakeholders.
I am first going to begin by brain storming and listing off the ways in which the writer has ethical obligations over the actions of the audience:
-Writing a piece with non bias views
-Adding information that has been checked for truth or validity
-Using influence over readers in a manner that does not align with the greater good
-Checking the motives of sources
-Never accepting incentives for publishing a specific piece
-Updating information as things begin to change or become outdated
-Taking responsibility for the media or literacy that they create
-Disclosing source information, personal or professional motives
-Correcting or addressing mistakes made in the piece
There are several ways that a writer can consciously choose to take action in the ethical obligations that they hold to their stakeholders:
-Looking at and writing from a strictly objective standpoint
-Making sure that what they are writing is ultimately for the audience's greater good
-Vetting sources and taking responsibility for using them as a source
-Writing for what they stand for and believe in, not being influenced by others
-Constantly checking for new information on the topic to keep audience updated
-Acknowledging stakeholders feeling and owning responsibility in their part for making
them feel that way
-Being open and honest about what they are writing and why they are writing it
As writers, although our audience reached will always have its limits, our influence over that audience truly has none. It is important to keep this in mind and write with integrity, ethics, respect and accountability to limit the negative impacts in which your writing can effect those around you.